Dave Haavik

Dave Haavik
My family was always very into the outdoors, camping hiking, backpacking, fishing, etc. In 1980 I began climbing with my father. He gave me some great advice at some point, he said “figure out what you like to do in life and then figure out how to make a living doing it”. Good advice. I started working in the Outdoor Industry at the Swallows’ Nest in Seattle in 1983. There were a few various jobs after that with Sundog, The North Face and The Vertical World. In 1993 I started my sales career with Petzl. In 2000 my business partner, David Allan and I took over the Alta Group, Inc. from Roody Rasmussen. During that time the Alta Group, Inc has grown from Dave and I too currently having 9 employees and the 5 lines that we represent.
I don’t really have any spare time because I fill what time I have with parenting, hiking, skiing, biking, listening to and playing music, gardening, etc. I have been married to Elise for over 20 years and we have two great kids Chaney and Shea, both teenagers.